Due to the insight and
generosity of one man,
J. C. Kenneth Poore, The Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy was founded in 1979. Kenneth was the last Poore descendant and the first Chairman of the Board for The Foundation. Kenneth bequeathed his family’s 100-acre settlement, land, buildings and contents, to The Foundation he created, to serve as a historical and educational site, to a way of life that existed prior-to rural electrification.

June - September 30th
Fri - Sunday & Holidays
11AM - 3PM
or as posted
and by appointment

Besides the need of donations, the 100-acre Poore Family Homestead Historic Farm Museum has many needs associated with its daily operation, repairs, maintenance, preservation efforts and construction projects that you may be able to assist us with... Here is a partial Wish-List of Museum needs… Your donation’s fair market value is tax deductible.
* 4x4 Kubota tractor with front-end loader
* Riding lawn mower / tractor, 42” cut or wider (lots and lots of mowing)
* Use of, or someone to, a Back-Hoe to move earth
* Use of, or someone to, a Bull-Dozer to move earth
* Use of, or someone to, a Brush-Hog to cut small growth in fields
* Volunteers, to help staff the Museum, for special events, and maintenance
* Corporate and individual sponsors for our National Byways Visitor Welcoming Center
* Local business sponsors for our theatrical and musical production
* Clean gravel, bank-run and screened
* Construction materials, of all kinds
* Concrete: a construction company to pour the foundation for the new Welcoming Center, at low bid
* Clean Spruce saw logs, 20’ in length, to be sawn on location with our sawmill
* Vehicle: Grand Caravan, for youth volunteer and material transport
* Pick-up truck, for agricultural / construction use
* College Student, interested in an historic preservation internship

For the latest news on the Farm, daily life, new exhibits and other press releases, See our News Page


Thank you for taking an interest in the Poore Family Foundation’s Poore Family Homestead Historic Farm Museum. John Calvin “Kenneth” Poore's last wish of turning his, 180 year old, family settlement into a museum is a reality! Kenneth left everything to The Foundation he initiated: land, buildings, contents, lock-stock & barrel, except for any of his savings ($3000) and a separate parcel of land that was left to his nephew, Cecil Hutchinson. There-for The Foundation needs your annual support to continue our work and success. Funds are in need for preservation, operational support equipment and project match.
Our 18th annual Open Barn, held July 2012, featuring an historic encampment of the American Mountain Men and authentic western cowboy music by Harold Boydston. This annual event had a great response from the public with many visitors from around New England stopping by to enjoy: the live music, the reenactment, new exhibits, tour the Farm House and some birthday cake and lemonade. The attendance of this event was a one hundred percent increase over the prior year.

The Board of Directors is again hard at work, along with friends, artisans and volunteers, making plans for the summer of 2013. We hope that you can find time to stop by this year for our 19th annual Open Barn and Celebration this July 7th. As usual, we will be celebrating our founder’s day of birth. Please join us for Kenneth’s 128th! There will be free birthday cake and lemonade for all, and more… Along with the American Mountain Men and Harold Boydston again this year, Hope Manseau will also be on hand this year. Hope will be demonstrating rug weaving on the Poore Family Floor loom, preparing wool, and spinning on a traditional spinning wheel. Be ready to get involved, Hope will have you helping in the process and showing you how to make yarn on a drop spindle that you can make at home. Hope will also be showing you how they made soap in the North Country, during the1800's. Do not miss these demonstrations.
... continued  |

We are writing this now because the Poore Homestead needs your financial support and we want you to come visit the Museum this summer. In order to continue the success we have enjoyed, and to encourage other charitable grants, it is important that we demonstrate a commitment on the part of our community and supporters like yourself. This year's 120-day season, programs and projects will require an estimated $54,500 in donations and grants. We will gratefully accept any contribution. All donations are tax deductible.
We will also be in need of volunteers. Vacationing students to retirees can assist with a variety of museum duties including that of a tour guide. Thank you again for your continued support of this most worthy project. We look forward to seeing you at our annual open barn and celebration in July or at one of our other planned events this summer.

Tourism, particularly cultural tourism, is a growing industry in the North Country, an industry that fuels a portion of our economy. The activities at the Poore Homestead will elevate the capacity of the Poore Family Foundation to meet this growing need while adding to the region’s infrastructure and economic growth.
The Poore Family Foundation has made traditional Arts programming and cultural activities more accessible with our annual concert series and the newly constructed out-door stage and amphitheater venue that can accommodate much larger audience. Visit Activities for more info.
We have also improved access to hiking and environmental study through a blend of education and sound stewardship of our 70-acre Bishop Brook Gorge Environmental Study Area. Visit Nature for more info.
The Museum’s initial determination of needs, supported by the NH Charitable Foundation, was based on a site assessment by staff from the New Hampshire Historical Society and Canterbury Shaker Village. As a result of this assessment, the NH Historical Society has demonstrated the statewide need and interest in this project. NH Historical Society.
Subsequent site assessments, supported on the national level with grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the American Association of Museums, performed by experts in the field of museum collections and historic structures, further reinforced The Foundation’s mission, vision and direction.

Please contact our director for any inquiries regarding employemnt, volunteering or other contributions. Thanks. rick@poorefarm.org

The Poore Family
Foundation for North
Country Conservancy,
is a New Hampshire based, state and federally sanctioned 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. The foundation owns, operates and maintains the Poore Family Homestead Historic Farm Museum, a 100-acre original settlement nestled in the hills of the Connecticut River Valley in Stewartstown, NH.
The Foundation | About Us
The Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy needs your support. Please help us to preserve this unique slice of Americana for future generations by making a tax-deductible charitable contribution today. All donations, in whatever form, are fully tax deductible. Donate Safely and Securely by PayPal Or by mail.
Please Mail to:
Poore Family Foundation NCC
438 Fish Pond Road
Colebrook, NH 03576


The Foundation has “broken-ground” on the construction phase of a Federal Highway Administration, National Scenic and Cultural Byways Program approved Visitor Welcoming Center constructed on Museum property, that will provide modern facilities for the touring public. The Center will enhance the Foundation’s capacity to serve the public, add to the region’s vitality and economic growth. The Visitor Center will be a focal point for the Museum and tie our campus together.
The Federal Highway Administration, the NH Office of Energy and Planning, and the Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy, have determined that phase-one and phase-two of a two-phase project designed to provide safe access from the National Byway, NH Route 145, in Stewartstown, to an important historical New Hampshire landmark, is an eligible project for funding under the National Scenic Byway Program. See more at Visitor Center Design [Flikr]
The Full Story
The Approved Grant

* Ads shown are original authentic Ads from the period and taken from the Poore Family Farm Museum archives. They should not be used, replicated or taken seriously in any way. |